

Fort Worth's Premier Cosmetic Enhancement Center

Located in Fort Worth, TX, our practice offers a comprehensive range of services tailored to your needs. From breast augmentation and hand surgery to liposuction and facial plastic surgery, we specialize in enhancing your beauty and improving your quality of life.

Our dedicated team, led by board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Walter D. Gracia, is committed to providing safe, effective, and personalized care to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. Whether you're seeking a subtle enhancement or a transformative change, we're here to help you look and feel your best.

  • Liposuction
  • Hand Surgery
  • Breast Augmentation
  • Skin Lesions
  • Abdominoplasty
  • Laser Resurfacing
  • Breast Reduction
  • Facial Plastic Surgery
A beautiful woman in white undergarment is posing with one hand on her waist, showing off her shapely body.


If you’re frustrated by lingering deposits of fat that refuse to budge no matter how well you stick to a diet and exercise plan, liposuction offers a solution. Walter D. Gracia, MD, PA, provides liposuction as one of many plastic surgery procedures to help residents of Fort Worth, Texas, look their very best. Call the office or book an appointment online today to set up a consultation.

What is liposuction?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes stubborn pockets of fat. It’s a great way to refine the contouring of your body and address any problem areas. Everyone stores fat a bit differently and for many, bulging and extra padding is a lifelong challenge.

Liposuction permanently removes a portion of targeted fat cells from your body. Some of the areas that can be successfully treated with liposuction include:

  • Abdomen
  • Upper thighs
  • Upper arms
  • Flanks
  • Hips
  • Buttocks
  • In some cases, liposuction is even used to reduce breast fullness in men, a common condition that was simply untreatable in decades past. 
What happens during liposuction procedures?

You’re thoroughly numbed before your procedure so you won’t be in any discomfort. Most liposuction procedures are done on an outpatient basis, so you can return home afterward. 

Once you’re prepped, Dr. Gracia makes a small incision to guide the thin surgical tube called a cannula into the treatment area. The most common technique introduces a sterile saline solution to the area that helps break apart fatty deposits and make it easier for the fat to be suctioned out through the cannula. 

Additional numbing medication is sometimes added to the saline to aid in postoperative recovery. 

Depending on the amount of fat being removed and whether you’re treating more than one area, a series of small incisions may be necessary. Once Dr. Gracia is pleased with the results, he closes the incisions and dresses the area in compression garments.

What if liposuction isn’t enough to improve my contouring?

In some cases, removing excess fat simply doesn’t go far enough to give you optimal contouring. In those cases, a surgical body lift can do the trick and can be performed in conjunction with your lipo. 

An arm lift, tummy tuck, or thigh lift can tighten your skin and give you a more toned appearance. If this approach is right for you, Dr. Gracia will discuss the process during your consultation. 

Hand Surgery
A hand surgeon is checking his patient's hand.

Hand Surgery

You may not spend a great deal of time thinking about your hands, but when you encounter an injury or painful hand condition, you’ll find yourself unable to think of little else. Hand surgery is an area of expertise for Walter D. Gracia, MD, PA, and he is proud to use his skills to help so many in Fort Worth, Texas, regain pain-free use of their hands. Book your personalized consultation by calling the office or booking online today.

What are some conditions that can require hand surgery?

While small in size, your hands are very complex. Anything that damages the network of bones, tendons, ligaments, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels within your hand can lead to serious pain and loss of function. 

Some of the issues that can require hand surgery include:

  • Fractures
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Infection
  • Poor healing
  • Burns
  • Lacerations

This is far from a comprehensive list. Dr. Gracia has experience treating the entire spectrum of hand conditions, from simple to incredibly complex. 

What are some techniques used in hand surgery?

Dr. Gracia chooses the surgical approach that is best suited to your specific needs and condition.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Your carpal tunnel is a passage made of small bones that protects your median nerve as it passes through your wrist. If this passage becomes compressed or narrowed, pressure on the median nerve can cause carpal tunnel syndrome. 

The condition can create a wide range of symptoms in your hand and wrist, including tingling, numbness, pain, or weakness. These symptoms range in severity from mildly annoying to debilitating. 

One of Dr. Gracia’s areas of specialty is called the Brown Technique, an endoscopic surgical procedure that treats carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel release works by severing the transverse carpal ligament. This immediately releases pressure on your median nerve and resolves the pain and other symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. 

Dupuytren’s contracture

A condition called Dupuytren’s contracture occurs when the layers of tissue just beneath the skin of your palm become abnormally contracted. This can pull one or more of your fingers in toward your palm, and prevent you from extending them normally. 

Dr. Gracia uses a procedure called needle fasciotomy to weaken the tough fibrous tissue called fascia that causes the contracture before straightening the bent fingers and restoring pain-free hand function. 

He also uses XiaFlexⓇ, an injectable medication that helps break down abnormally contracted tissue. As with all hand conditions, Dr. Gracia performs a thorough diagnostic exam before determining the best possible treatment approach.

When is the right time to move forward with hand surgery?

In some cases, the decision to schedule hand surgery is an easy one. If your hand is damaged during a traumatic injury, emergency surgery may be needed to prevent permanent loss of function. In other instances, however, deciding when to move forward with hand surgery is not so simple. 

Many people live with significant hand pain and limited function for far too long. They may imagine that the recovery process will be long and arduous or feel that they can simply learn to live with their hand condition. Busy lives can make it seem like it’s never the right time to book a surgical procedure. 

It’s important to make an informed decision when it comes to hand surgery. Some conditions can deteriorate if left untreated, leading to loss of hand mobility and lingering pain. In other cases, hand conditions can make it hard for you to complete normal daily routines. 

Breast Augmentation
A woman's breasts with circles drawn with dotted lines indicating the size of her breasts will be with the implant.

Breast Augmentation

Loss of breast volume, small breasts, or breast sagging can make you feel less confident about your body. If you desire larger breasts or had a mastectomy, board-certified plastic surgeon Walter D. Gracia, MD, PA, can help. At his practice in Fort Worth, Texas, Dr. Gracia offers breast augmentation to make your breasts larger or more symmetrical and give you the confidence you desire. Call the office or request a consultation with Dr. Gracia using the online booking tool.

What is breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure in which Dr. Gracia can reshape, lift, and enhance your breast size and improve your body proportions. Using advanced techniques and innovative technology, Dr. Gracia can give you the breast size and shape you desire with minimal downtime. 

Is breast augmentation right for me?

To determine if breast augmentation is the right procedure for you, Dr. Gracia reviews your medical history and examines your breasts when you visit the office. The procedure might be a good fit if you:

  • Are physically healthy
  • Aren’t pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Have fully developed breasts
  • Have realistic expectations
  • Have asymmetrical breasts
  • Experience loss of breast volume
  • Had a mastectomy

Dr. Gracia can combine breast augmentation with other cosmetic procedures to give you the outcome you’re looking for. For example, he might combine breast surgery with abdominoplasty, liposuction, or both, depending on your goals.

During your consultation, Dr. Gracia discusses the different types of breast implants available to help you choose one that’s best for you. Some of the popular breast implant sizes available include:

  • 350cc breast implants
  • 400cc breast implants
  • 450cc breast implants
  • 600cc breast implants
  • 800cc breast implants

Dr. Gracia offers a wide variety of implants, from saline breast implants, silicone breast implants, and gummy bear implants to textured implants and high profile breast implants.

How should I prepare for breast augmentation?

To prepare for breast augmentation, Dr. Gracia may have you complete a blood test, adjust your current medications, quit smoking, avoid taking certain medicines, or get a baseline mammogram. Arrange for someone to drive you home the day of your surgery and stay with you the night after surgery. Don’t eat the morning of the procedure.

What happens during the procedure for breast augmentation?

Right before breast augmentation, you receive general anesthesia to put you asleep. Dr. Gracia makes an incision in your armpit, under the breasts, or near the nipple and inserts breast implants under or over the muscle tissue. He then closes the incision site.

In the recovery room, the hospital staff monitors you as your anesthesia wears off. You can usually go home the same day as surgery.

What should I expect during my recovery?

Follow Dr. Gracia’s post-surgery instructions during your recovery. Wear gauze dressings and bra support or elastic bandage to support your breasts and minimize swelling. Take medications as prescribed, and wear support garments as instructed.

Take it easy for several days while you heal, and increase physical activity when Dr. Gracia gives you the okay. Attend follow-up appointments with Dr. Gracia to make sure you’re healing properly. Call the office if you experience unusual symptoms or worsening pain.

Skin Lesions
A doctor is examining the moles on a young woman's back.

Skin Lesions

If you notice changes in the look or feel of your skin, it’s important to take a proactive approach. People in and around Fort Worth, Texas, have access to highly skilled plastic surgeon Walter D. Gracia, MD, PA. Dr. Gracia can evaluate your skin and determine the steps needed to maintain optimal skin health. Book an appointment over the phone or online today.

What are skin lesions?

A skin lesion is anything that alters the smooth, unbroken surface of your skin. A lesion can appear in the form of an open sore or a blister-type bump, or can be as simple as a freckle or mole. 

Most skin lesions are harmless, although many people find them aesthetically displeasing. There are some skin lesions, however, that are serious health issues that should be treated by a medical professional. 

You should never try to remove or otherwise alter a skin lesion on your own. 

What are moles and how do I know if one may be cancerous?

Almost everyone has at least one mole on their body. These growths are usually brown or black and often appear during childhood. It isn’t uncommon for someone to have 10-40 moles by the time they reach adulthood. 

Moles develop when melanocytes — the cells that create the pigment that colors your skin — are clustered in one small area. You may notice your moles darkening after sun exposure or during pregnancy. 

Most moles are completely harmless. If a mole begins to change in color, shape, size, or develops an irregular border, it’s time to come in for a professional skin check. These are signs of melanoma, a serious form of skin cancer that can be deadly if left untreated. 

When should I seek treatment for skin lesions?

Everyone will encounter some form of a skin lesion at some point in life. Most will heal within the course of a few days with no special treatment. 

If you have a sore that doesn’t appear to be healing or a lesion that seems to go away then return after a period of time, you should have a professional skin evaluation. 

Recurring sores around your mouth are often caused by a strain of the herpes virus. There are treatments that can lessen viral activity and reduce the number and severity of outbreaks. 

Not all skin cancer begins as a mole. Any unusual changes in the look or feel of your skin should be assessed. Most skin lesions like freckles or skin tags are benign but can be removed via a simple treatment. 

How are skin lesions treated?

Dr. Gracia uses a number of techniques to remove unsightly skin lesions. Some lesions are best treated through excision, which physically cuts the affected tissue from the rest of your skin. 

Extreme hot or cold temperatures can effectively remove certain skin lesions. There are also topical solutions that can remove the outermost layers of skin and laser therapies that offer targeted lesion removal. 

Once Dr. Gracia evaluates your skin lesion, he’ll discuss all available treatment options to give you the details you need to make an informed decision about your treatment path. 

A cosmetic surgeon is drawing the lines of where they are going to do the tummy tuck and in which direction on a woman's belly.


Abdominoplasty is among the most popular procedures that bring patients to the care of Walter D. Gracia, MD, PA. At his thriving Fort Worth, Texas, practice, Dr. Gracia has helped many people achieve the abdominal profile of their dreams. If you’re curious about what a tummy tuck can do for your appearance and your confidence, schedule a consultation online or over the phone today.

What is abdominoplasty?

Abdominoplasty, commonly called a tummy tuck, is a surgical procedure that alters the size and contouring of your abdomen. It’s among the most highly sought-after plastic surgeries — and for good reason. A tummy tuck can help flatten your belly and give you a far slimmer and more toned abdominal profile. 

Abdominoplasty delivers results by removing excess fat, skin, and other tissue from your abdomen. In many cases, the procedure also involves repairing damaged muscle tissue across your stomach. 

This procedure is a great option for people who’ve tried to tone their abdomen through diet and exercise but haven’t been able to achieve their desired results. It can also address loose or sagging skin on the abdomen, which often occurs after childbirth or significant weight loss. 

What happens during abdominoplasty?

You’ll receive numbing medication as well as sedation to ensure you rest comfortably throughout your procedure. Once those medications take effect, Dr. Gracia begins by making an incision to gain access to the underlying tissue. 

The incision is usually made horizontally just above your pubic hairline, which helps minimize the appearance of scarring. He then begins removing excess fat and repairing any muscle damage that causes your stomach to protrude or sag. 

Once he’s happy with the shape of your abdomen, Dr. Gracia smooths the skin over your newly contoured stomach and trims away any excess. He carefully closes the incision, taking every precaution to ensure a smooth healing process and minimal scarring. 

When is the right time to consider abdominoplasty?

Many women choose to have a tummy tuck after the birth of their last child. Abdominoplasty can restore the muscle attachments you had before pregnancy and can sometimes remove a portion of stretch marks in the lower abdomen. 

Many people seek abdominoplasty after achieving significant weight loss. Even after you’ve lost the weight, your stomach will often have loose and sagging skin as well as poor muscle tone. 

It’s important to note, however, that you should only pursue abdominoplasty once you’ve reached your goal weight and can maintain that weight loss. Gaining weight after abdominoplasty can mar your results. 

Laser Resurfacing
A cosmetic surgeon is applying laser resurfacing to a woman's face.

Laser Resurfacing

If your complexion could use a reboot, laser resurfacing is a procedure that can deliver impressive results. Many people in and around Fort Worth, Texas, rely on Walter D. Gracia, MD, PA, for outstanding laser skin resurfacing services. If you’re ready to learn more, schedule a consultation online or by phone today.

What skin issues can laser resurfacing address?

One of the reasons laser resurfacing is such a popular treatment option is the ability to correct multiple skin conditions at once. Some of the common skin complaints that laser resurfacing can improve include:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Dull skin tone
  • Enlarged pores
  • Scarring 
  • Sun damage
  • Pigment irregularities
  • Loose or sagging skin

Laser skin resurfacing delivers a refreshed, renewed complexion that lasts. 

How does laser resurfacing work?

Dr. Gracia uses the SmartXide DOT Laser® system to perform laser resurfacing. This innovative treatment platform ablates the outermost layers of skin in a carefully controlled fashion. 

Multiple safety controls are built in to deliver a powerful treatment experience without risking harm to the deeper layers of your skin. 

Many people prefer laser skin resurfacing to more invasive options due to the reduced downtime, faster recovery, and beautiful results. 

Is laser resurfacing painful?

When you come in for your procedure, a special numbing cream is applied to reduce sensation in the treatment area. You might also receive additional medications to numb your skin and help you relax during your visit. 

The process takes very little time and a layer of cream is applied to soothe and protect your skin afterward. A degree of redness, swelling, and tenderness is normal in the hours after your procedure, but it won’t take long for these to subside. 

As the days go by, you’ll see your newly refreshed complexion develop. You’ll be able to wear makeup and complete your normal skin care routines soon after. 

How long do the results from laser resurfacing last?

Your skin will look amazing in the weeks and months after your laser resurfacing procedure. There are steps you can take to extend those results for years. 

The most important thing you can do for the appearance and health of your skin is to find a high-quality sunscreen that you like and wear it each day. The sun damages your skin at multiple levels, and too much exposure can destroy your resurfacing results, as well as place you at an elevated risk for skin cancer. 

You can also make the most of your investment by creating a skin care routine that’s structured for your unique skin needs. Dr. Gracia can guide you toward the products that are best for you and explain which steps are most important in your daily skin care practices. 

Breast Reduction
An African American woman in nude undergarments is placing her hands around her bust.

Breast Reduction

If you feel as though your breasts are excessively large or heavy, a breast reduction can help you feel more comfortable in your own skin. Breast reductions are an area of expertise for Walter D. Gracia, MD, PA, in Fort Worth, Texas. When you’re ready to explore this plastic surgery option in greater detail, call the office or book a one-on-one consultation online today.

Why do women seek breast reduction surgery?

Every woman has a unique set of reasons to pursue breast reduction. For some, large or heavy breasts have felt like a burden since puberty and the goal is to achieve a more streamlined profile. Others have seen changes in their breast tissue after motherhood, weight gain, or other experiences and simply want to return to a previous breast size. 

Many women with large or heavy breasts live with ongoing head, back, and neck pain. Bra straps can dig into the tissues of your shoulder, and clothing often fits poorly. You may even feel self-conscious about your appearance. 

The decision to seek breast reduction surgery is a personal one. There is no motivating factor that is more or less valid than another. Dr. Gracia and his team share a dedication to providing top-quality care to all patients and are here to help you achieve your surgical goals. 

How is breast reduction surgery performed?

Most breast reduction procedures are performed as outpatient surgeries, so you can return home the same day. You’ll be sedated throughout your surgery, and numbing medication will prevent you from feeling a thing. 

Dr. Gracia creates incisions to gain access to your breast tissue. He carefully removes the correct volume of tissue to refine the size and shape of your breasts. Your nipple and areola may also need to be reshaped and repositioned to align with your new breast shape. 

Once he’s pleased with the results, Dr. Gracia removes any excess skin, taking care to place your incision lines where any scarring will be less noticeable. There are several incisions options to choose from and you’ll discuss these during your consultation. 

What is the recovery process like after breast reduction?

You’ll experience some swelling and discomfort in the days after your procedure. Dr. Gracia will prescribe medication to reduce pain and you’ll soon rely solely on over-the-counter pain medications. 

There will be limits on the type of physical activity you can perform as you move through the healing process. Lifting heavy objects and vigorous exercise is prohibited in the initial stages. 

It takes a few weeks for the swelling to fully subside and for the incisions to begin healing. At this point, you’ll see the results and begin to enjoy firmer, lighter, and more shapely breasts. 

Facial Plastic Surgery
A plastic surgeon points to a woman's chin that has a dotted line drawn to delineate the new contour.

Facial Plastic Surgery

Advancements in medical technology have enabled a whole new realm of facial plastic surgery procedures. Today’s facelifts, nose jobs, and other procedures are safer and create more beautiful results than ever before. Walter D. Gracia, MD, PA, has extensive experience using these surgeries to improve the appearance and self-esteem of people throughout Fort Worth, Texas. Learn more during a face-to-face consultation, which can be booked online or over the phone today.

What types of facial plastic surgery are available?

A facelift is perhaps the most well-known type of facial plastic surgery. This procedure allows Dr. Gracia to alter the arrangement of fat, muscle, and other facial tissue to create a more youthful and well-rested appearance. Best of all, sagging skin is pulled taut during the procedure to give you a natural-looking, lifted appearance. 

A rhinoplasty, often called a nose job, is another common facial plastic surgery procedure. Dr. Gracia has extensive expertise in rhinoplasty and can sculpt your existing tissue to create a nose that’s perfectly aligned with the rest of your face. Rhinoplasty can often be performed through the interior portion of your nostrils so there’s no visible scarring. 

Face implants are also available and work to create more sharply defined cheekbones or a stronger chin profile. If you have drooping or sagging eyelid skin, an eyelid surgery called blepharoplasty can help improve the shape of your eyelids. There are even procedures that can improve the shape of your chin or ears. 

What is the recovery process like after facial plastic surgery?

You’ll receive detailed postoperative instructions before your procedure. Following those guidelines is a critical part of a successful recovery. 

If you need medications, try to have those prescriptions filled prior to your surgery. Asking a friend or family member to stay with you and give a helping hand for a few days is also a good idea. 

Your body will quickly launch a natural healing response, and before you know it, you’ll be able to enjoy the results of your facial procedure. 

What if I want lasting results, but I’m not ready for surgery?

Dr. Gracia not only provides outstanding facial plastic surgery services, but he also offers a wide range of other treatments at his practice. 

Many patients love the results they get from a “Madonna Lift,” which uses a fractional CO2 laser to resurface skin and prompt new collagen production. The Madonna fractional eye-lift dramatically improves the appearance of eye wrinkles, dark circles, and drooping upper and lower eyelid skin. 

Injectables like Botox® and dermal fillers can also deliver temporary results. Botox can lessen the appearance of wrinkles and folds between your brows, across your forehead, or around the corners of your eyes. 

Dermal fillers can enhance volume, fill in folds and wrinkles, or plump your lips. 

How do I know which procedure is right for me?

During your initial consultation, Dr. Gracia will discuss your treatment goals. He can share details about the pros and cons of various procedures, and let you know what to expect in terms of recovery time and how long results will last. 

The decision to move forward with facial plastic surgery is a personal one. Dr. Gracia works hard to ensure you have everything you need to make an informed decision about your care. You can also discuss with him how to make facial plastic surgery fit into your budget. 

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