Do I Need to Get My Skin Lesion Checked?
skin lesion specialist checks a woman's ear

A skin lesion is a spot that looks different from the skin around it. Lesions include all spots, from freckles to sores — and certain lesions could indicate skin cancer or other dermatologic conditions.

Skin lesions are very common, and almost everyone has at least one. But even though skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States, not every lesion is a sign of something more serious.

However, it’s crucial to become familiar with your skin and recognize when you should get your skin lesions checked by a doctor. Walter D. Gracia, MD, PA, and our team offer skin exams and treatments to keep you — and your skin — as healthy as possible.

You should schedule a skin exam if…

You have a new or changing skin lesion

Non-cancerous skin lesions rarely change. If you notice a new mole or spot or an existing mole is changing in appearance, it may signify skin cancer.

Perform regular skin checks to familiarize yourself with your skin. Look for:

  • New or unusual lumps or bumps.
  • Areas of skin that are different in color.
  • Moles larger than a pencil eraser.
  • Patches of skin that are shiny or rough.

Pay particularly close attention to skin that gets a lot of sun exposure, such as your face, ears, neck, and arms. If you notice changes, schedule a professional skin exam soon.

Your skin lesion isn’t healing

Many types of skin lesions, like blisters and cold sores, are temporary. They heal on their own within a few weeks, and they typically don’t require medical attention.

However, some lesions won’t heal on their own. If you have a lesion, sore, or wound that hasn’t started healing, make an appointment with the doctor. Lesions that don’t heal within about three weeks could indicate infection or cancer.

Your skin is rough or scaly, and over-the-counter products aren’t working

Dry skin is common, and it’s usually temporary. Over-the-counter treatments can relieve mild dryness, eczema, and other skin conditions that make skin rough or flakey. But if you’ve tried lotions and creams without relief, it’s time to go to the doctor.

If your skin is painful, itchy, or bleeding because it’s so dry, it may be a sign of a more serious skin condition. Rough, scaly skin can indicate actinic keratosis, basal cell carcinoma, or squamous cell carcinoma.

What to expect at your skin lesion exam

If you have a spot that you’re concerned about, don’t hesitate to make an appointment with Dr. Gracia and our team. Skin cancers and other serious skin conditions are most treatable when they’re identified and diagnosed early.

Dr. Gracia starts by examining your skin and discussing your concerns. If he suspects cancer, he may order a skin biopsy to confirm a diagnosis. Whether or not your lesion is cancerous, Dr. Gracia can recommend a range of treatment options.

Excision or laser therapy physically removes a lesion, while extreme hot or cold can kill affected tissue to protect surrounding healthy tissue. No matter your needs, Dr. Gracia helps you find the best treatment for your skin.

Find comprehensive skincare with Dr. Gracia and our team in Fort Worth, Texas. Call our office at (817) 336-9450 or request an appointment to get started.